Friday, March 28, 2003


NAYSI Activity Tip
March 28, 2003
No. 10

Jail by Joe Dinoffer

This is an “end of the class” game called “Jail” that kids really love. The
teacher stands on one side of the net with a basket of tennis balls. Children in the class (4-12 children works fine) line up behind the baseline on the other side of the net. The teacher feeds one ball after another in fairly rapid succession to keep the line moving. When the child hits the ball over the net and into the singles court, he or she goes to the end of the line. If the ball goes in the net or out, the player runs across to the other side of the net and is in “jail.” Players get out of jail by catching a ball hit by the children on the other side on a bounce or out of the air.

As the game progresses there might be many children in jail. The game ends
when only one child remains on the baseline and when the last ball is
successful hit over the net and inside the court with no one in jail
catching it.

Variations can include catching the ball with one hand only, or
even left-hand only to challenge older children.

Note: This Activity Tip was provided by Joe Dinoffer is the President of Oncourt Offcourt. Inc. He has 50 trend-setting articles, audio tips, and video clips at

Joe Dinoffer
Oncourt Offcourt. Inc.
5427 Philip Ave.
Dallas, TX 75223 USA
Tel: 214-823-3078
Fax: 214-823-3082