Monday, June 23, 2003

Goofy Basketball

NAYSI Activity Tip
June 23, 2003
No. 11

Goofy Basketball by Jack Hutslar

Looking for a different basketball game to break up the monotony of same-old same-old end of practice scrimmage sessions. Try Goofy Basketball. It will drive the traditionalists up the wall.

In many gymnasiums, there are usually four or six basketball goals. Start Goofy Basketball with two teams of four or five players each. Use two basketballs. Assign one-half of the goals to each team for scoring and defending. That gives each team two or three goals to shoot at on offense and two or three goals to defend on defense.

Use the entire gym with no out of bounds. Goofy Basketball is not intended to be a free-for-all or no-holds-barred game. Players are to play the game properly and call their own violations. Violations give the ball to the other team. Ball possession goes to the other team after a goal. Make-it, take-it is not used. Players not in the game keep score by loudly calling out the points for each goal their team scores. First team to 10 goals wins, then start a new game.

Variations: Start with three players per team. Add one player per team as each game progresses. Add a third and even a fourth basketball. Experiment with the number of players and basketballs to see what combination works best for your age group.